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District Mission Grants

Message From the District Mission Council

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! We are honored to serve you as partners in the mission of our Lord and His Church. Each of us have gifts to share in the service and mission of our Lord. Together we get to experience the joyful blessing of witnessing lives transformed in and through the forgiveness and life in Jesus. What a glorious gift! 


Below are the Mission and Ministry Grant Application forms that you will use to apply for a District grant for this coming year. The District Mission Council hopes to make this process positive and productive for you. If you have any questions or concerns about the process, please contact the Mission Executive or Ministry Executive at the District Office (see below for contact information).


The District Mission Council (DMC) distributes an annual budget allocation from the Pacific Southwest District Board of Directors. The funds are a tithe of the offerings received from ministries of District who value the overall mission in our life together. The DMC members are representative of the diverse regions and cultures of our District. They will evaluate applications and issue grants two times per year, in February and September. The DMC has the freedom and authority to distribute three types of mission funding: Innovation, Incubation, and Impact Grants.  


  • Innovation Grants: (up to $5,000) to spark missional thinking and provide seed funds to experiment in reaching a new community with the Gospel. Examples like starting an ESL class or a pre or after school reading program or launching a new worship service could qualify for an innovation grant.

  • Incubation Grants: (up to $20,000) to partner with leaders and core groups in order to provide necessary support to new mission endeavors resulting in sustained Christian community. Incubation grants are for building momentum for ongoing programs like a small group ministry, infant care for a pre-school, or beginning work to plant a new church with another culture group. 

  • Impact Grants: (up to $50,000) to offer new mission starts significant funding support to build the systems and capacity necessary for a new congregation, school, or mission agency. As a ministry develops and is now considering building scale, examples might include additional staffing, building renovations, or capital equipment purchases.

The DMC members and the District Staff will continue to provide encouragement and support to all mission and support grantees while ensuring the proper use of funds and reporting of their ministry activity to the Board of Directors.


We continue to pray that God blesses us with the ability to grant funds to meet as many mission and ministry needs as possible. Naturally, the constraints of our District’s budget will require us to steward as best we can the means that are available. We pray that God will bless and multiply our efforts, and that new faith communities of intentional Gospel proclamation will be launched and flourish throughout the Pacific Southwest District.

RMC info

District Mission Council Information and Applications

The District Mission Council operates on a bi-annual grant application and distribution model. The DMC meets in February and September to consider grant requests and evaluate the progress of grant recipients. Grant funds are distributed via EFT over a 12-month period beginning in March and October respectively. Please be on time with your applications and progress reports and be willing to share stories of what God is doing in your ministry.


Contact Information


Mission Executive                                                                 Ministry Executive

Rev. Dominic Rivkin                                                              Rev. Jim Henkell

949-854-3232 x230                                                                949-854-3232 x233

Email                                                                                      Email

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Innovation Grant 

The Innovation Grant is designed to spark missional thinking and experimental projects that aim to reach a new community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The District Mission Council offers funds up to $5,000 to supplement your budget for such projects.  The goal of this application is for you to tell us about your innovative mission project and the plan to implement the idea. Keep in mind that the District Mission Council will want to see a project that reaches a new community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ideally the project will act as a test case for a potentially on-going ministry, opening the door to Incubation and Impact granting in the future.​​

Newly submitted grant applications will be considered in the Spring granting cycle, which begins in March of 2025 and extends through February 2026.

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Incubation Grant

The Incubation Grant is designed to provide necessary support to new mission endeavors resulting in sustained Christian community. The District Mission Council offers funds up to $20,000 to supplement your budget for these new mission starts.  The goal of this application is for you to tell us about your plans to incubate and sustain this ministry. Keep in mind that the District Mission Council will want to see plans that aim at a sustained Christian community anchored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ideally the new ministry is a result of a successful and innovative project to reach new people in your community. Our prayer is that a well incubated ministry will be ready for scaled growth, and thus Impact granting in the future.

Newly submitted grant applications will be considered in the Spring granting cycle, which begins in March of 2025 and extends through February 2026.

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Impact Grant

The Impact Grant is designed to offer an emerging ministry significant funding support to build the systems and capacity necessary to grow and sustain a congregation, school, or mission agency. The District Mission Council offers funds up to $50,000 to supplement your budget to build your ministry to this kind of scale. Keep in mind that the District Mission Council will want to see applications that include detailed plans to further develop sustainable and self-supporting Christian ministry anchored in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ideally this ministry has grown from an innovative idea, well incubated and well poised to keep reaching people in your community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that your ministry will be a healthy model for the inspiration an

development of others within our District.​

Newly submitted grant applications will be considered in the Spring granting cycle, which begins in March of 2025 and extends through February 2026.

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PSD Mission and Ministry Support

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